Atriplex L. >

Bracts enclosing female flowers greatly enlarged at fruiting (Fig. 34) Atriplex
Mature bracteoles as long as broad, rhomboidal in outline, closely appressed to each other.
Lower leaves linear, lanceolate, elliptic or oblong, tapering to base
Mature bracteoles 3–6 mm long, ± diamond-shaped, sometimes slightly or quite succulent
Leaves 3–10 cm long, linear to lanceolate, green or mealy, entire or toothed; the lower ones hastate, petiolate. Flowers in terminal panicles. Mature bracteoles diamond-shaped to ovate, 5 mm long, fused below the middle. Annual up to 1 m high, often straggling and decumbent. Salty areas near the sea. Fl. summer Atriplex australasica